Kau Yan School
A life place where students belong to
Grow healthily, joyfully, positively & naturally
Develop their potentials fully
Because we, as educators, work closely with their parents
Love them as God love us
Respect their uniqueness
Concern their feelings and well-being
Give time & space for their own development
Provide whole person quality education
Our school vision is to preach the Gospel through education. In the spirit of Jesus’ love and fraternity, we are committed to providing quality whole-person education, and building a vigorous and cheerful learning community for students and parents to achieve education of love together. We endeavour to not only prepare our students to be successful academically, but also to build high quality Christian leaders that will serve and transform the communities, our society, our nation and the world.
● Christian education and positive education
● Blending the characteristics of local and international school
● Loving, positive, liberal, creative and professional staff
● School-based curriculum development
● Catering for individual needs whole-heartedly
● Working closely with parents and the community
Implementation of Child-centred Education
A few useful school-based curriculum ideas:
● Visible learning by John Hattie
● Backward design
● Catering for students’ learning interests, abilities and needs
● Differentiated learning content, process, product and environment
● Collaborative inquiry e.g. study of student work to improve learning and teaching
● Do our students really learn? Students’ voice, success criteria
Our school promotes positive education to help our students and teachers attain flourishing lives. There are six major domains in the Positive Education Model: Positive Health, Positive Emotions, Positive Engagement, Positive Relationships, Positive Meaning and Positive Accomplishment.
Our daily living can hardly be separated from the global development nowadays. Therefore we aim to nurture our students into caring global citizens.
Students are taught to develop awareness to international issues, encouraged to communicate with international people and taught to care for the need of the poor population through morning and weekly assemblies, topical projects, communication with non-local bodies and overseas study tours.
Teachers are exposed to good education systems and practices of the other parts of the world through a number of educational visits.
The modular curricular are part and parcel of our official curricular. They serve to promote better-balanced student development in respect to their physical, mental and social growth. Our modular design provides our students with a broad and balanced learning experience from which a holistic development is to be expected.
The objectives of the P.6 module are to develop students’ full potentials through an inspiring, challenging and open trans-disciplinary inquiry unit, and to develop learners’ global citizenship.
At KYS, play is an important part of students’ school lives. In each school day, students have an hour play time, including the first recess and the second recess after lunch. However, the school campus is not very big and there is not much space for free movement for all students at the same time.
The problem is: “How can we design games for KYS students that will not occupy much space and allow enough free movement?” In a group of two or three students, think about and design creative games by using the “Engineering Design Process”. Working steps are shown in the diagrams below:
Transdisciplinary project-based inquiry learning – This allows students to authentically make connections so that they can construct their own meaning and transfer learning to real world applications.