Page 27 - 救恩學校--留辮子的傳教士
P. 27


                                                           韓山明牧師 (1819-1854)
                                                  Rev. Theodore Hamberg (1819-1854)

                                                           黎力基牧師 (1824-1908)
                                                     Rev. Rudolph Lechler (1824-1908)

                                              巴勉會女傳教士教導女孩縫紉 (1896-1905)
                                           Girls were taught sewing by female missionaries

                                                       of Barmen Mission (1896-1905)

                                                 傳教士穿唐裝在山頂拍照 (1892-1905)
                                                Missionaries in Chinese costumes taking

                                                    a picture on the Peak (1892-1905)

                                      朗口女子寄宿學校學童與傳教士集體遊戲 (1901-1903)
                                            Students from Long Hau Girls' Boarding School
                                             playing games with missionaries (1901-1903)

                                            女傳教士在梅縣女校教授數學課 (1922-1930)
                                               Female missionaries teaching arithmetics

                                                    in Meixian Girls’ School (1922-1930)

                                                       Wo Ping boys in a knitting class

                                                       傳教士學習漢語 (1920-1926)
                                               Missionaries learning Chinese (1920-1926)

                                                    Missionaries preaching the Gospel

                       “Hakka Textbook” published by the missionaries of Basel Mission, a teaching

                                 aid for missionaries to master Chinese language and culture.

                           Missionaries of Basel Mission translated the Bible into Hakka language,

                                            and published religious textbooks and hymns.

                                                                巴色義學 (1852)
                                                          Basel charity school (1852)

                                                 傳教士在香港為中國婦女把脈 (1905)
                                            Missionaries conducting pulse examination for

                                                  Chinese women in Hong Kong (1905)

                          Rev. Hamberg was still remembered by many believers after his death.

                                            “Basel charity school” was the first girls’ school

                                              established by Basel Mission in Hong Kong.

                                                           新興建的救恩堂 (1932)
                                            The newly constructed Kau Yan Church (1932)

                                          救恩學校幼稚園第一屆畢業生 (1948 年 8 月 24 日 )
                                            The first year of graduates of the kindergarten

                                                  of Kau Yan School (24th August 1948)

                                                         救恩學校舊貌 (1953-1992)
                                                   The old Kau Yan School (1953-1992)

                                      1992 年夏天開始重建,並改為小學和幼稚園校舍。
                              The reconstruction works began in the summer of 1992 to build a
                              new school premises for the primary school and the kindergarten.

                                                 1995 年重建校舍完成。
                                              The reconstruction of the school
                                             premises was completed in 1995.
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