

第一場:2024622(星期六) 上午930分至上午11時正

第二場:2024628(星期五) 晚上730分至晚上9時正

地 點:香港西營盤高街97A,基督教香港崇真會,救恩堂三樓禮堂(現場)及二樓副堂(轉播)

報 名:家長可於2024527(星期一)上午九時按此連結 (名額已滿)


  1. 凡出席簡介會者,請帶同確認書。每份確認書只限一位家長出席,列印版及電子版均可。
  2. 校方恕不提供託管服務,現場只限家長出席。
  3. 如網上系統因繁忙而未能登入,敬請稍後重試,毋須致電本校。

1. 2025-2026 Primary One Admission Seminars

Date & Time:

1st Session  22 June 2024 (Saturday) 9:30a.m.-11:00a.m.

2nd Session  28 June 2024 (Friday) 7:30p.m.-9:00p.m.

Venue: Kau Yan Church Hall on 3rd Floor (live) and chapel on 2nd Floor (broadcast).

97A High Street, Sai Yin Pun, Hong Kong. Tsung Tsin Mission of Hong Kong.

Reservation: Available online on a first-come, first-served basis from 9:00a.m. on

27 May 2024 (Monday)  (Click to make your “Reservation”)(quota is FULL)


  1. Please bring along the confirmation letter to the seminar. Each confirmation letter permits the admittance of one parent only. Both printed and electronic version of the letter are admissible.

2. Child care is unavailable for the sessions and seats are reserved for parents only.

3. If you experience difficulties in assessing the online system, it can be a result of temporarily server overloading. In such case, please be patient and do try again. It is not necessary to contact the school office.




開始日期及時間:2024624(星期一) 上午9時正

截止日期及時間:2024719(星期五) 下午5時正




2. Admittance Application Form

Only on-line application forms are available, there are no printed copies.

Commencement Date: 24 June 2024 (Monday) 9:00a.m.

Closing Date: 19 July 2024 (Friday) 5:00p.m.

Click here to enter the Application Form page

(Click and read “2025-2026Guidelines on Application”)






  1. 家長可以從以上三天選擇其中一天進行面試,假若實際情況不許可,校方將作最後調動,敬請留意。
  2. 由於參與人數眾多,一經獲編排的面試日期、時間,恕不便更改。




3. Interview Date

1st : 20 September 2024 (Friday) or

2nd : 21 September 2024 (Saturday) or

3rd : 28 September 2024 (Saturday)

  1. Parents may select one of the above dates for interview. However, the school may have to make appropriate adjustments if the situation deemed necessary. Please check the date and time of the interview online on 23August 2024 (Friday) at 12:00p.m.
  2. We apologize that interview sessions once fixed are not changeable because our sessions are mostly full.